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New Year Moto-Resolutions

There is a lot of inspiration around New Years, and I think inspiration is a terrible thing to waste! Taking your inspiration and using it to formulate attainable goals throughout the year is what we all strive for, yet sometimes we don’t make it past the first 30 days before falling off the wagon and back into our daily routines. But while you are stuck in this routine, no growth happens! You have to set your mind to working hard for what you wish to accomplish in life. While losing weight, saving money, and spending more time with family seem to be solid goals for all of us… Here at MotoDuo we have two wheels on the brain, and so do many of our moto-friends! So what are our resolutions for 2020? Read more to find out what riders around the world are vowing to accomplish this year!

Sam Manicom is an enthusiastic motorcyclist, inspirational speaker, storyteller, and author of several best selling motorcycle adventure books. This year Sam has made a resolution to continue spreading the joy of motorcycle travel through his books and speaking engagements.

“I’m keen to share the fun, challenges and delights of long distance travel with as many people as I can. We live in an amazing world and I love the idea of encouraging more people to go out and ride it. What a huge buzz doing so is!”

I am currently reading (for the second time) Sam’s first book “Into Africa” and let me tell you, it is so hard to put down! If you are interested in learning more about Sam and his books, please visit his website HERE.

Kellie Friedberg and her husband, Wayne, own and operate Cherohala Mountain Trails Campground in Tellico Plains, Tennessee. They are in the foothills of the Smokey Mountains, with miles upon miles of motorcycling at their doorstep. They cater to motorcyclists (boot driers in every cabin) and love having travelers stop in as they are passing through. Wayne cooks up a killer breakfast too, so this is definitely a place you want to visit if you find yourself at the southern end of the Appalachian Mountains!

Kellie has been riding motorcycles for just a couple years now, so I sat down with her to discuss her moto-resolutions for this year. Her desire to learn and grow as a motorcyclist pours into her passion for the community of riders she has become a part of. This year, she plans to run the Smokey Mountain 500 for the first time - a 500 mile loop consisting of mostly gravel roads that takes approximately 3 days to complete. She also plans to put together an all female dual sport ride for International Women’s Ride Day (May 2nd 2020)! Anyone interested in participating can drop us a line through our contact page and we will send you all the event details!

Court Rand is the co-owner of Ecuador Freedom, a motorcycle and 4x4 rental company based in Quito, Ecuador. We met Court and his partner Sylvain during a tour in Ecuador in 2015, and I am here to say they run a top-notch touring company! We participated in a guided tour while there, but they also offer self guided tours or just rentals for folks who want their own individual experience of the country. Ecuador Freedom has been partnered with Pack for a Purpose for years now, bringing needed supplies to remote communities during their travels. In fact, while we were touring with Ecuador Freedom back in 2015, we brought along school supplies for a small coastal town in need. Visiting the children was one of the highlights of our trip, and I know over the years Ecuador Freedom has made a big impact in these small communities.

As you might imagine, Ecuador Freedom has a few more tricks up their sleeves, with plans to implement new community programs to help protect Ecuador’s natural places and educate youth on proper wildlife and environmental practices. This should go into effect later this year, as will another endeavor of theirs to implement more technology into their tours so that clients have increasingly better experiences in their country. Without giving away too many details on that one, let’s just say big things are happening for Ecuador Freedom this year!

If you are interested in touring with Ecuador Freedom (and we strongly recommend that you do) visit their website HERE for more information!

So what is on the agenda for MotoDuo? Well, we have plans to cross a big ride off our bucket list. We are going to ALASKA! We have been wanting to ride in Alaska for years, so this year we are making it a point to travel to the largest state in the US. We will be traveling around the South Central region of the state. If you have suggestions for places to visit, eat, or stay - please drop us a note on our contact page!