RoadRUNNER: Southern Appalachia Fall Tour Ride Reports, RoadRUNNER, Caleb's PortfolioCaleb McInturffMarch 17, 2023
RoadRUNNER: Snowbiking Serenity in Kalispell, Montana Ride Reports, RoadRUNNER, Caleb's PortfolioMarisa McInturffMarch 9, 2023
RoadRUNNER: Racing Thoroughbreds From Tennessee to Kentucky Ride Reports, Caleb's Portfolio, RoadRUNNERMarisa McInturffAugust 18, 2022roadrunner, motorcycle tour, ride report, kentucky, tennessee, aprilia tuono
RoadRUNNER: Galena, IL Shamrock Tour Ride Reports, RoadRUNNERCaleb McInturffJuly 29, 2022ride report, Illinois, roadrunner touring and travel
RoadRUNNER: Exploring the Vermont Countryside Ride Reports, RoadRUNNERMarisa McInturffFebruary 17, 2022
RoadRUNNER: Northeast Backcountry Discovery Route RoadRUNNER, Ride ReportsMarisa McInturffOctober 14, 2021
RoadRUNNER: Kentucky Adventure Tour RoadRUNNER, Ride Reports, Caleb's PortfolioCaleb McInturffMay 8, 2020KAT, Kentucky Adventure Tour, Kentucky Adventure Trail, West Virginia, Kentucky, TennesseeComment